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1 results showing for: 'nimenrix'

  • Inj 5 mcg of each meningococcal polysaccharide conjugated to a total of approximately 44 mcg of tetanus toxoid carrier per 0.5 ml vial [Xpharm]
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Nimenrix
    • Pharmacode2506971
    • Subsidy $0.00
    • Measure / Qty per 1
    1. Both:

      1. The child is under 12 months of age; and

      2. Any of the following:

        1. A maximum of three doses (dependant on age at first dose) for patients pre- and post- splenectomy and for patients with functional or anatomic asplenia, HIV, complement deficiency (acquired or inherited), or pre- or post- solid organ transplant; or

        2. A maximum of three doses (dependant on age at first dose) for close contacts of meningococcal cases of any group; or

        3. A maximum of three doses (dependant on age at first dose) for child who has previously had meningococcal disease of any group; or

        4. A maximum of three doses (dependant on age at first dose) for bone marrow transplant patients; or

        5. A maximum of three doses (dependant on age at first dose) for child pre- and post-immunosuppression*.

    Note: infants from 6 weeks to less than 6 months of age require a 2+1 schedule, infants from 6 months to less than 12 months of age require a 1+1 schedule. Refer to the Immunisation Handbook for recommended booster schedules with meningococcal ACWY vaccine. *Immunosuppression due to steroid or other immunosuppressive therapy must be for a period of greater than 28 days.

  • Rectangle page icon symoblising a PDF. PDF
  • A tick icon. Fully subsidised
  • An oval with the number 29 in it. Unapproved medicine under Section 29
  • An asterisk symbol. 3 or 6 months should be dispensed at once
  • Two duplicate pages icon. Click to copy
  • A triangle symbol. Three months supply may be dispensed at one time if endorsed "certified exemption" by the prescriber or pharmacist.
  • OP Original pack
  • Sole Subsidised Supply