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5 results showing for: 'renal'

  • Inj 1 in 1,000, 1 ml ampoule - Up to 5 inj available on a PSO
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. DBL Adrenaline
    • Pharmacode603341
    • Subsidy $13.27
    • Measure / Qty per 5
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Aspen Adrenaline
    • Pharmacode2309823
    • Subsidy $4.98
    • Measure / Qty per 5
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Hameln Unapproved medicine supplied under Section 29.
    • Pharmacode2685043
    • Subsidy $25.30
    • Measure / Qty per 10
  • Inj 1 in 10,000, 10 ml ampoule - Up to 5 inj available on a PSO
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Hospira
    • Pharmacode534196
    • Subsidy $27.00
    • Measure / Qty per 5
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Aspen Adrenaline
    • Pharmacode2390949
    • Subsidy $49.00
    • Measure / Qty per 10
- Maximum of 2 inj per prescription
- Special Authority SA2185 [PDF]
-- Retail pharmacy
  • Inj 0.15 mg per 0.3 ml auto-injector
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Epipen Jr
    • Pharmacode208191
    • Subsidy $90.00
    • Measure / Qty per 1 OP
  • Inj 0.3 mg per 0.3 ml auto-injector
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Epipen
    • Pharmacode223972
    • Subsidy $90.00
    • Measure / Qty per 1 OP

Additional prescriptions limited to replacement of up to two devices prior to expiry, or replacement of used device for treatment of anaphylaxis.

- Special Authority SA1546 [PDF] -- Retail pharmacy
  • 3 to 6 month supply. Cap
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Clinicians Renal Vit
    • Pharmacode2479168
    • Subsidy $7.28
    • Measure / Qty per 30
Renal oral feed 1.8 kcal/ml    Medsafe Data Sheets   New Zealand Formulary.   Hospital Medicines List.   PDF Schedule - Refer from page 272.
- Special Authority SA1101 [PDF] -- Hospital pharmacy [HP3]
  • Liquid
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Nepro HP (vanilla)
    • Pharmacode2457741
    • Subsidy $3.31
    • Measure / Qty per 220 ml OP
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Nepro HP (strawberry)
    • Pharmacode2457768
    • Subsidy $3.31
    • Measure / Qty per 220 ml OP
Renal oral feed 2 kcal/ml    Medsafe Data Sheets   New Zealand Formulary.   Hospital Medicines List.   PDF Schedule - Refer from page 272.
- Special Authority SA1101 [PDF] -- Hospital pharmacy [HP3]
  • Liquid, 200 ml bottle
    • Brand NovaSource Renal
    • Pharmacode2632195
    • Subsidy $11.52
    • Measure / Qty per 4 OP
  • Liquid (apricot) 125 ml
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Renilon 7.5
    • Pharmacode2439379
    • Subsidy $13.72
    • Measure / Qty per 4 OP
  • Liquid (caramel) 125 ml
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Renilon 7.5
    • Pharmacode2439387
    • Subsidy $13.72
    • Measure / Qty per 4 OP
  • Rectangle page icon symoblising a PDF. PDF
  • A tick icon. Fully subsidised
  • An oval with the number 29 in it. Unapproved medicine under Section 29
  • An asterisk symbol. 3 or 6 months should be dispensed at once
  • Two duplicate pages icon. Click to copy
  • A triangle symbol. Three months supply may be dispensed at one time if endorsed "certified exemption" by the prescriber or pharmacist.
  • OP Original pack
  • Sole Subsidised Supply