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1 results showing for: 'insulin pump infusion set (teflon cannula, angle insertion with insertion device)'

Insulin pump infusion set (teflon cannula, angle insertion with insertion device)    Medsafe Data Sheets   New Zealand Formulary.   Hospital Medicines List.   PDF Schedule - Refer from page 22.
- Maximum of 3 sets per prescription
- Only on a prescription
- Special Authority SA1985 [PDF]
-- Retail pharmacy
  • 13 mm teflon cannula; angle insertion; insertion device; 110 cm line x 10 with 10 needles
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. AutoSoft 30
    • Pharmacode2556855
    • Subsidy $140.00
    • Measure / Qty per 1 OP
  • 13 mm teflon cannula; angle insertion; insertion device; 60 cm line x 10 with 10 needles
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. AutoSoft 30
    • Pharmacode2556847
    • Subsidy $140.00
    • Measure / Qty per 1 OP

Maximum of 13 infusion sets will be funded per year.

  • Rectangle page icon symoblising a PDF. PDF
  • A tick icon. Fully subsidised
  • An oval with the number 29 in it. Unapproved medicine under Section 29
  • An asterisk symbol. 3 or 6 months should be dispensed at once
  • Two duplicate pages icon. Click to copy
  • A triangle symbol. Three months supply may be dispensed at one time if endorsed "certified exemption" by the prescriber or pharmacist.
  • OP Original pack
  • Sole Subsidised Supply