Hospital Medicines List

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1 results showing for: 'mask for spacer device'

  • Small
    • Brand e-chamber Mask
    • Pharmacode2490099
    • Price $2.70
    • Measure / Qty per 1


In addition to the products expressly listed here in Part III: Optional Pharmaceuticals, a range of hospital medical devices are listed in an addendum to Part III which is available at The Optional Pharmaceuticals listed in the addendum are deemed to be listed in Part III, and the Rules of the Pharmaceutical Schedule applying to products listed in Part III apply to them.

  • Rectangle page icon symoblising a PDF. PDF
  • Two duplicate pages icon. Click to copy
  • Restriction. Restriction
  • HSS Hospital Supply Status
  • PSS Principal Supply Status
  • dv DV Limit Gives the maximum volume that can be purchased of other brands