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1 results showing for: 'varicella vaccine [chickenpox vaccine]'

Varicella vaccine [Chickenpox vaccine]    Medsafe Data Sheets   New Zealand Formulary.   Hospital Medicines List.   PDF Schedule - Refer from page 312.
- Only on a prescription
- No patient co-payment payable
  • Inj 2000 PFU prefilled syringe plus vial
    • Brand Fully subsidised brand. Varilrix
    • Pharmacode2678950
    • Subsidy $0.00
    • Measure / Qty per 10
  1. Either:

    1. Maximum of one dose for primary vaccination for either:

      1. Any infant born on or after 1 April 2016; or

      2. For previously unvaccinated children turning 11 years old on or after 1 July 2017, who have not previously had a varicella infection (chickenpox), or

    2. Maximum of two doses for any of the following:

      1. Any of the following for non-immune individuals:

        1. with chronic liver disease who may in future be candidates for transplantation; or

        2. with deteriorating renal function before transplantation; or

        3. prior to solid organ transplant; or

        4. prior to any elective immunosuppression*; or

        5. for post exposure prophylaxis who are immune competent inpatients; or

      2. For individuals at least 2 years after bone marrow transplantation, on advice of their specialist; or

      3. For individuals at least 6 months after completion of chemotherapy, on advice of their specialist; or

      4. For HIV positive non immune to varicella with mild or moderate immunosuppression on advice of HIV specialist; or

      5. For individuals with inborn errors of metabolism at risk of major metabolic decompensation, with no clinical history of varicella; or

      6. For household contacts of paediatric patients who are immunocompromised, or undergoing a procedure leading to immune compromise where the household contact has no clinical history of varicella; or

      7. For household contacts of adult patients who have no clinical history of varicella and who are severely immunocompromised, or undergoing a procedure leading to immune compromise where the household contact has no clinical history of varicella.

  2. Contractors will be entitled to claim payment from the Funder for the supply of Varicella vaccine [Chickenpox vaccine] vaccine to people eligible under the above criteria pursuant to their contract with Health New Zealand (Health NZ) for subsidised immunisation, and they may only do so in respect of the Varicella vaccine [Chickenpox vaccine] listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule.

  3. Contractors may only claim for populations within the criteria that are covered by their contract, which may be a sub-set of the population described in paragraphs A above.

* immunosuppression due to steroid or other immunosuppressive therapy must be for a treatment period of greater than 28 days

  • Rectangle page icon symoblising a PDF. PDF
  • A tick icon. Fully subsidised
  • An oval with the number 29 in it. Unapproved medicine under Section 29
  • An asterisk symbol. 3 or 6 months should be dispensed at once
  • Two duplicate pages icon. Click to copy
  • A triangle symbol. Three months supply may be dispensed at one time if endorsed "certified exemption" by the prescriber or pharmacist.
  • OP Original pack
  • Sole Subsidised Supply